Dyslexia Association 

of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham

Helping dyslexic people of all ages by providing information and support

Events & Open Meetings

Hall Map

St Nicholas Church Hall (Village Hall)
Church Lane

The hall is located at The Bull pub end of Church Lane.
Disabled access available.

Boy sitting behind a pile of books

In-person Open Meeting with Peter Stanton
How do you get a balance between a healthy home life and coping at school?

Wednesday 18th September (Talk at 8pm)

The aim of this evening is to give parents and carers the opportunity to think through how best to support their dyslexic or neurodiverse child. We will be looking at strategies and approaches that help parents and carers support their child’s learning, especially at home. While this becomes much more important when in secondary education, these ideas are equally relevant for those children in primary education.

One theme we will be focusing on is the importance of getting the right balance between achieving at school and maintaining a child’s mental wellbeing. We will be also looking at the things parents and carers need to consider when dealing with the challenges of homework, helping their child to be organised, what educational activities and subjects to prioritise, and making sure your child spends sufficient time on learning activities and also gets down-time to re-charge their batteries.

Giraffe reaching up to tree

Zoom (Online) Meeting
What challenges do you find in getting support for your child?

Wednesday 9th October (Starts at 8pm)

Calendar dates

Save the date

Wednesday 20th November

If you agreed to receive items of interest during your membership renewal/application, there is no need to register here too.

Telephone us:
0300 999 1800

Post to us:
Community House, South Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1RH

© 2017 by Dyslexia Association of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich & Lewisham. All rights reserved.
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