Dyslexia Association
of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham
Helping dyslexic people of all ages by providing information and support
Adult group
Adult Helpline number: 07762 265 827 Monday - Wednesday 5pm - 7pm
Our meetings
After many successful years, the adult group continues to adopt a focused, forward-thinking approach, which we hope will benefit all the dyslexic adults who attend our meetings.
The group offers opportunities to exchange positive experiences, as well as the chance to seek practical advice from guest speakers and others within the group who share a collective understanding of what it's like to be a dyslexic adult.
We explore each topic, not as experts, but as people with our own individual experiences.
Next Meeting : Wednesday 5th February
Dyslexia and Relationships

The purpose of the group is to:
- Provide an opportunity for dyslexic adults to meet and share experiences. This group is open to people from all walks of life.
- Provide a comfortable and welcoming way for people to explore whether they are dyslexic.
- Take account of the needs of adults who have newly discovered they are dyslexic and help them get more information about dyslexia or being dyslexic.
- Encourage people to mix with others with similar ‘wiring’ and experiences.
- Welcome partners, family members and friends of other adult dyslexics to get further information and to provide appropriate support.
"I never realised that all I have to say is I need some help with that, and you all come up with such wonderful ideas."
Adult Group participant, thanking other participants for their help.

Meetings are held at Community House, South Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1RH. Opposite the Fire Station, near Boots.
1st Wednesday of every month except for January and August.
Time: 8pm (Doors open 7.45pm).
Our meetings are friendly. No appointment necessary - just turn up on the night. Why not bring a friend or partner with you?
We welcome all who are able to get to our meeting, from any geographical area. The association is a charity and is totally run by unpaid volunteers. There are no paid members of staff.

Email us:
Telephone us:
0300 999 1800
Post to us:
Community House, South Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1RH
Twitter: @dyslexiawise
Facebook: Dyslexia Association of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham
© 2017 by Dyslexia Association of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich & Lewisham. All rights reserved.
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